05/27/2008 (6 Comments)

(Plague comes in dresses very nicely.)

Panel 1

ABBY: Excuse me, Miss, can I help you?

PLAGUE: Bite me.

Panel 2

ABBY: Plague? Is that you? You look great!

PLAGUE: Don't look so surprised. I'm just trying to stay unpredictable. I don't let myself be defined by any society, even my own.

Panel 3

TONY: (walks past) Hi, Kelly See, I told you you'd look better in some lighter colors.

Panel 4

PLAGUE: Leave me alone.

ABBY: I wasn't going to say anything.

8 thoughts on “05/27/2008 (6 Comments)

  1. I have a lot of things to say to Plague including “burn that dress and headband.” She does not look nice in lighter cloths, Black, dark purple and steel are her colors.
    Looking at her how I’m more terrified for natiional security than anything else.

  2. Hehehe… which makes her choice of colors all the more amusing. 😉 It only works on people like Carrie. 😉

  3. Heh, amusing how people take suggestions from someone they like as some kind of command. Though I must agree, Plague does not look that great in that dress. I’m thinking Tony’s either having fun with her or has bad taste. =P

  4. I’m thinking Tony probably is having fun but coincidentally also has bad taste. The cute ones generally do.

  5. If Plague had slightly tanner skin, she might look nice… But this is the girl that ran around telling everyone she was a vampire when she put on sunscreen that made her oh-so-very-white skin sparkle…

    Despite that… Igh, is that yellow lipstick? Yuck.

  6. Wow, got the token Goth to wear light colors! He must be an exceptional chic magnet.

  7. She could probably pull of a lighter blue or purple. But that wouldn’t be as funny.

  8. Maybe the reason Kelly went Goth in the first place is because her parents were hippies. It would explain her flower child wardrobe today…

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