337 (5 Comments)

Strip 337 12/9

Panel 1

ANDY Hey, Abby, have you ever seen Mr. A?

ABBY No, why?

Panel 2

ANDY I'm beginning to think he doesn't exist. I think Nadia is really the sector director here.

ABBY I wouldn't push that, Andy

Panel 3

ANDY Think about it. No one’s ever seen Mr. A. Besides, what better way for a secret organization to cover it’s top dog than to create a front persona to hide the real leader? Nadia’s obviously the one who has all of the power around here. She has to be the real Mr. A.

Panel 4

(Andy follows Nadia as she heads to the rest rooms)

NADIA Andy, are you following me into the bathroom?

ANDY 'Depends on which bathroom you're going to?

6 thoughts on “337 (5 Comments)

  1. Why does this not surprise me? Andy’s pushing his luck, he’s likely to find himself in the middle of a virtually unknown town at this rate. Like Hell, Michegan. I kid you not I was looking at an atlas of the U.S.A. and on the Michegan page I found Hell.

    1. There is also a Transylvania in the US, South Carolina if I remember right. Saw it on a map a very long time ago.

      I would find it VERY funny if Nick turned out to be Mr A.

  2. I’ve been there! I’m orginally from Michigan, so I’m very familiar with it.

    And yes, it does freeze over.

  3. There’s also a Hel in Norway & a Hell in New Mexico, both of which are currently quite frosty. Someone once told me that there’s a Hell in Australia, but I haven’t checked on that one.

  4. It even has it’s own website

  5. I hope you guys don’t mind, but I had to write a spy story for my biology class and I used Keene and the WSA.

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