Oklahoma 653

Strip 653 (Richard corners Brian in the hallway.) RICHARD Brian, do you have a minute? BRIAN Sure, Agent Keene, what’s up? RICHARD Didn’t I ask you to organize some extra training for Agent VanDoren? BRIAN Yes, I did. You said she needed help with her undercover skills. So I hired an acting coach. RICHARD I was referring to clandestine operations and you hired, someone named “Moonbeam”? BRIAN “Clandestine operations” doesn’t seem to be something that people advertise. She was all I could find on the internet. RICHARD She is not what I had in mind. MOONBEAM (appearing around a corner) Come, Richard, your chakra is screaming to be aligned with your aura!

2 thoughts on “Oklahoma 653

  1. Why do I have the sudden feeling that Moonbeam is another super spy?

  2. More likely a *retired* super-spy. I’m guessing that Keene knew her (or at least *of* her) while he was an up-and-coming spy, and probably wasn’t happy when she retired and ran off to the commune. (Note: All of the above is just wild-ass-guessing based on what I know from the comic thus far. I could be wrong.)

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