Timing is Everything (3 Comments)

Okay, I have a confession to make.  I wrote this current storyline to conclude on Election day.  However my estimations seem to be off.  It’s set to conclude on December 4th instead of November 4th.  I don’t know what I was thinking, but I need to take full blame for this one.

The good news is that I had written 2 endings depending on who won the election, but by December it’s going to be pretty obvious who won (I hope).

3 thoughts on “Timing is Everything (3 Comments)

  1. LOL! I was a little confused by it, but thought you were more politically in the know than me. 🙂 I just thought you were giving time for all the votes to be counted. 🙂

  2. Yeah! That’s it!!! 😉

  3. You really oughtta find a way to attch your name to your posts and not just comments. It gets confusing.

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